Thursday, February 12, 2009

Digital Photo -- Assn 2 Cont

This set was actually the last of the three stops I made in my two day photo journey, but I like more of the pictures that I'm going to post that's why I'm posting these first.

Bicycle tower.

I love how it says "ride" while being partially in the ground.

This was one of my favorites from this spot, I like seeing all the pedals s ticking out.

Banana seat!

This was my #3. I just like how rustic it looks...I dunno why.

I'm sure I'm boring anyone that sees this to tears, but I'm having fun learning what my camera can do and trying to be creative in a new way!!! Last one for this assignment tomorrow!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

Go figure my comment didnt show yesterday with this shotty internet connection...anyway I really like this sculpture. Its freaking interesting and you got some cool shots of it. If nothing else your photography classes are getting you to admire EVERYTHING around you. And its rather inspiring to me as well.