Saturday, January 17, 2009

Assignment One

I'm learning to take photographs with complete manual focusing, and honestly don't know how to take 30 pictures of one inanimate object!!! I started out taking pics of a playground. I came home and didn't like most of them. There were a few that I thought were cool, but I wasn't feeling it. I then took some pictures of a stump, the snow, footprints in the snow, and branches growing from it. I didn't love those either. I thought I'd be able to get more from the yellow tractor than either of the previous "subjects" so I'm sticking with it! I've been over there three times now, and need to go back tomorrow. I'm not sure what he's expecting, or what other people will be taking pictures of...but hopefully mine aren't the worst!!! ;-)

Here are the photographs I've taken so far. I still need ten more and I'm thinking of taking one of the "gas cap" pics out. Please don't judge too harshly! (I did resize them so they would upload quicker and not be ginormous if you click on them.)

This one took about 20 tries. Its not perfect, but I like it!!! (That and it was cold!!!)

Any thoughts, or ideas would be great! I'll post the remaining ten tomorrow after I figure out what else to take pics of!


mollymaureen said...

I love the one with your shadow in it I think it has great perspective. Also, the one of the tires and tread, (the first one) it really great. Keep in mind that varying the angle that you are taking the picture will greatly change what it looks like in the frame. When you are stuck for ideas try taking the same pic again but kneeling, or laying on the ground, or standing on a chair. Good Luck.

3HappyHippies said...

Wow, that is harder than I would have imagined. I wish you the best of luck. You have some interesting shots and I cant wait to hear what people suggest. As comment one did, interesting.